Gambar Terkait

The Assumption Of The Virgin,Asumsi Perawan,Francesco Solimena,Lukisan cat minyak,Lukisan cat minyak
The Assumption Of The Virgin [Asumsi Perawan]
Resolusi: 4460 × 3287 px
Saint Francis Refuses The Priesthood, A Bozzetto,Santo Fransiskus Menolak Imamat, A Bozzetto
Saint Francis Refuses The Priesthood, A Bozzetto [Santo Fransiskus Menolak Imamat, A Bozzetto]
Resolusi: 3711 × 4700 px
Saint Philip Neri receiving the Holy Spirit in the Catacombs of Saint Sebastian
Saint Philip Neri receiving the Holy Spirit in the Catacombs of Saint Sebastian [Santo Filipus Neri menerima Roh Kudus di Katakombe Santo Sebastian]
Resolusi: 3941 × 3000 px
Venus At The Forge of Vulcan,Venus di tempat pembentukan Vulcan,Francesco Solimena,Lukisan cat minyak
Venus At The Forge of Vulcan [Venus di tempat pembentukan Vulcan]
Resolusi: 3188 × 4323 px
The Annunciation,Pengumuman,Francesco Solimena,Lukisan cat minyak,Lukisan cat minyak, parodi seni rupa
The Annunciation [Pengumuman]
Resolusi: 3063 × 5265 px
The Conversion of Saul,Pertobatan Saulus,Francesco Solimena,Lukisan cat minyak,Lukisan cat minyak
The Conversion of Saul [Pertobatan Saulus]
Resolusi: 4633 × 5888 px
The Rest on the Flight into Eygpt,Selebihnya dalam Penerbangan ke Eygpt,Francesco Solimena,Lukisan cat minyak
The Rest on the Flight into Eygpt [Selebihnya dalam Penerbangan ke Eygpt]
Resolusi: 3936 × 3236 px
The Birth of the Virgin,Kelahiran Sang Perawan,Francesco Solimena,Lukisan cat minyak,Lukisan cat minyak
The Birth of the Virgin [Kelahiran Sang Perawan]
Resolusi: 2969 × 3617 px
Saint Michael expelling the Rebel Angels,Santo Mikhael mengusir Malaikat Pemberontak,Francesco Solimena
Saint Michael expelling the Rebel Angels [Santo Mikhael mengusir Malaikat Pemberontak]
Resolusi: 3321 × 4000 px
The Risen Christ Appearing to the Virgin,Kristus yang Bangkit Menampakkan Diri kepada Perawan
The Risen Christ Appearing to the Virgin [Kristus yang Bangkit Menampakkan Diri kepada Perawan]
Resolusi: 3743 × 5000 px