'Little niece,' said Kühleborn, 'forget not that I am here with thee as a guide.'["Najstnica," je rekel Kühleborn, "ne pozabi, da sem tu s teboj kot vodnik.] - Arthur Rackham | Svetovno znane slike Slika Prenesi

'Little niece,' said Kühleborn, 'forget not that I am here with thee as a guide.',"Najstnica
Vrsta medijaJPG
Ločljivost2651 x 3491 px

Sorodne slike

And the maids cried 'good gracious, how very tenacious!',Služkinje so vzkliknile: "Dobrohotno
And the maids cried 'good gracious, how very tenacious!' [Služkinje so vzkliknile: "Dobrohotno, kako zelo vztrajno!]
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All Through Egypt Every Man Burns a Lamp,Po vsem Egiptu vsak človek prižiga svetilko,Arthur Rackham
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A chrysanthemum heard her, and said pointedly, 'Hoity-toity, what is this',Slišala jo je krizantema
A chrysanthemum heard her, and said pointedly, 'Hoity-toity, what is this' [Slišala jo je krizantema, ki je ostro rekla: "Hoity-toity, kaj je to?]
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A grand pas de deux performed in the very first style by these two.,Veličastni pas de deux
A grand pas de deux performed in the very first style by these two. [Veličastni pas de deux, ki sta ga ta dva izvedla v prvem slogu.]
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'They crowed round him, eyeing him from head to foot with great curiosity.'
'They crowed round him, eyeing him from head to foot with great curiosity.' ["Obkrožili so ga in si ga z veliko radovednostjo ogledovali od glave do peta.]
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'Blow, blow, little breeze, And Conrad's hat seize.',"Pihaj, pihaj, vetrček, in Conradov klobuk zgrabi.
'Blow, blow, little breeze, And Conrad's hat seize.' ["Pihaj, pihaj, vetrček, in Conradov klobuk zgrabi.]
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After this the birds said that they would help him no more in his mad enterprise,Potem so ptice rekle
After this the birds said that they would help him no more in his mad enterprise [Potem so ptice rekle, da mu ne bodo več pomagale pri njegovem norem podvigu.]
Ločljivost: 2193 × 3191 px
A beautiful little girl clad in rich garments stood there on the threshold smiling
A beautiful little girl clad in rich garments stood there on the threshold smiling [Na pragu je stala lepa deklica, oblečena v bogata oblačila, in se smejala.]
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A Terrible Fellow, Little Brother and Little Sister interior illustration
A Terrible Fellow, Little Brother and Little Sister interior illustration [Notranja ilustracija A Terrible Fellow, Little Brother and Little Sister]
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